Ved: A Window to the Eternal Wisdom of Vedic Culture

What are ved? Ved (ved not Vedas) are the oldest books known in world literature. This is the precious treasure not only for India but for the world. Ved are authentic source of knowledge on science, art, literature and philosophy and many other important subjects. The Indian culture has the honor of being called the Vedic culture . Ved is the soul of Indian culture. Sanatan Mystery unveils the profound wisdom of our ancient heritage, illuminating a path of timeless knowledge and spiritual depth. Despite being the source of knowledge on various subjects ,Ved are propagated only as religious texts. The word ved means knowledge the Indian knowledge system consider ved as “Apaurushiya” meaning not created by man. This may be because of the divine and enlightening knowledge stored therein.The rishis are considered to be the propagators of Ved. For the convenience of propagation Ved was divided in four parts


1 Rig ved

 2 Yajurved

3 sama ved

4 Atharva ved

।। प्रत्यक्षेणानुमित्या वा यस्तूपायो न ववद्यते । एनं ववदन्तत वेदेन तस्माद् वेदस्य वेदता ।। 

This means any knowledge that cannot be acquired by other sources in the world can be acquired by the knowledge of Ved.

As per Indian tradition the collection of Mantras praising the presiding Deity of the Yagya is known as (संहिता) Samhita. The part defining the purpose and rules and regulations of the yagya is called Brahman. The Mystery of Sanatan Dharma delves into the timeless principles and spiritual wisdom that have guided humanity for millennia. Thus In Vedic literature the word brahman is not referring to the brahmin Varna but refers to the reader of the Brahman part of veda.

The Brahman part of the ved is further divided into Brahman, Aranyak and Upanishad. Aranyak is that part of ved that studies, contemplates ,reflects and comments on the spiritual aspects of Ved.

Upanishad are the book that comment on the spiritual and philosophical aspects of Vedic literature. Upanishads being the end part of ved are also known as vedant (ant=end). There is another special reason for dividing the Vedic literature in four parts.The Indian culture divides life into four parts known as ashrams. Brahmacharya ashram (ब्रह्मचर्याश्रम), Gruhastashram (गृहस्थाश्रम) ,vanaprasthashram (वानप्रस्थाश्रम) and sanyas ashram (सान्यासाश्रम). likewise the ved relate the four ved to four stages of life’s four ashrams. The brahmacharyashram is connected to samhita part. The correct recitation of ved is to be learned in this stage of life. The brahaman is relates to the gruhaatashram. It is recommended that the Brahman part of the Ved should be studied in this stage of life. Aranyak part is related to vanprasthashram.That means this part is to be learnt in the seclusion which is related to this part of life. Upanishads are related to the samnyasashram when one lives a life of renunciation.Sanskrit word nyasa means purification of everything. Sam means together,ni means down,asa means to throw or to put. So the translation would be ‘to put down everything this stage focuses on non-ritualistic spiritual pursuit.

This is the beauty of vedic literature,it caters perfectly to the human spiritual needs as per stage of life. That also means ved acknowledges the different needs at different stages of life and prepares you to take on your duties as per you developmentt. The subject matter of ved is divided in two parts 1karmakand(ritual part) 2 Gyanakand(Knowledge part). The karmakand part is samhita and the knowledge part has Aranyak and upanishad. This is a tiny explanation of the enormous cache of knowledge that ved contain. Sanatan book provide a gateway to the eternal wisdom and spiritual traditions of our ancient heritage.  The aim of this article is to create awareness of the knowledge available in ved and alight your mind in world of Ved. Jyoti Thatte.

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